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Cele 11 Principii Ale Satanismului Modern-The 11 Principles of Modern Satanism

Writer's picture: Templul NopțiiTemplul Nopții

1. Nu-ti da opiniile,sau sfatul,decat daca esti rugat.

2. Nu-ti povesti necazurile altora,decat daca esti sigur,ca acestia vor sa le auda.

3. Cand te afli in lacasul altuia,arata-i respect, altfel,nu te du acolo.

4. Daca un invitat,in lacasul tau ,te enerveaza, trateaza-l cu cruzime si fara mila.

5. Nu face,avansuri sexuale,decat,daca ai primit semnalul de imperechere.

6. Nu lua,ceea ce nu-ti apartine,decat daca,este o povara pentru cealalta persoana,iar aceasta cere sa fie eliberata de povara.

7. Recunoaste puterea magiei,daca ai folosit-o cu succes pentru ati indeplini scopurile. Daca negi puterea acesteia dupa ce ai folosit-o cu succes, vei pierde tot ce ai obtinut prin ea.

8. Nu te plange de nimic,din ceea ce nu esti implicat direct.

9. Nu face rau copiilor mici.

10. Nu ucide animale neumane,decat daca esti atacat,sau pentru mancarea ta.

11. Cand mergi pe teritoriu deschis, nu deranja pe nimeni. Daca cineva te deranjeaza, roaga-l sa se opreasca. Daca nu se opreste, DISTRUGE-L.

1. Do not give your opinions, or advice, unless you are asked.

2. Don't tell others about your troubles unless you are sure they want to hear them.

3. When you are in someone else's house, show them respect, otherwise they won't go there.

4. If a guest in your home annoys you, treat him cruelly and ruthlessly.

5. Do not make sexual advances unless you have received the mating signal.

6. Do not take, which does not belong to you, unless it is a burden for the other person, and he asks to be released from the burden.

7. Recognize the power of magic if you have used it successfully to accomplish your goals. If you deny its power after you have used it successfully, you will lose everything you have gained through it.

8. Don't complain about anything you're not directly involved with.

9. Do not harm small children.

10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

11. When walking in open territory, do not disturb anyone. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If it doesn't stop, DESTROY it.

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