Sistemul Septenar si Calea Septenara
O scurta introducere.
Ce este Calea Septenara?
Ei bine,Calea Septenara,este sistemul complet de antrenament ocult.
Este o cale a evoluției personale, prin antrenarea fizicului, psihicului, puterii și caracterului.
Acest antrenament,presupune multe tehnici si experiențe dificile,printre care,unele sunt unice,ce includ lucruri precum: provocari zilnice,gasirea unui insotitor si crearea unui Templu sau Nexion,dedicat ritualelor cremoniale sinistre/sataniste,si asa mai departe.
Constientizarea Caii Septenare(Cat si a Sistemului Septenar),cuprind cele 7 etape,alaturi de gradele initiatice,ce sunt cuprinse in magia traditionala,si anume:
-Si ultima etapa NEMURITORUL
Fiecarei etape,ii corespunde o sfera din Abrorele Septenar Wyrd. Spre exemplu,in prima etapa,este Sfera Lunii,ce este asociata cu cuartul;procesul chimic fiind ,,Calcinare’’;cuvantul ,,Nox’’; si cele trei carti de tarot, Luna,Diavolul si Moartea. Fiecare Sfera,este legata de natura,si de aspectul inconstient,al sinelui,si al ego-ului.
Aceste aspecte,vor sa reprezinte evolutia treptata a energiei sferei,pentru ca,fiecare sfera,poate fi privita ca fiind de natura divina,prin perfectiunea ei.
In primele etape,Calea Septenara este mai usoara,dar treptat,devine mai dificila,cerand adeptului mult angajament.
Vom vorbi despre fiecare etapa in parte,zilele viitoare.
The Septenary System and the Septenary Way
A short introduction.
What is the Septenary Way?
Well, the Septenary Way is the complete occult training system.
It is a path of personal evolution, through the training of the physical, the mental, the power and the character.
This training involves many difficult techniques and experiences, some of which are unique, including things like daily challenges, finding a companion and creating a Temple or Nexion, dedicated to sinister / satanic ceremonial rituals, and so on.
Awareness of the Septenary Path (as well as of the Septenary System), comprise the 7 stages, along with the initiation degrees, which are included in the traditional magic, namely:
-And the last stage THE IMMORTAL
Each stage corresponds to a sphere from the Abrenele Septenar Wyrd. For example, in the first stage, it is the Sphere of the Moon, which is associated with quartz, the chemical process being "Calcination", the word "Nox"; and the three tarot cards, the Moon, the Devil, and Death. Each Sphere is related to nature, and to the unconscious aspect, of the self, and of the ego.
These aspects want to represent the gradual evolution of the energy of the sphere, because each sphere can be seen as being of a divine nature, through its perfection.
In the first stages, the Septenary Way is easier, but gradually, it becomes more difficult, requiring a lot of commitment from the follower.
We will talk about each stage in the coming days.