Partea I-Ritualul Initierii
Initierea este dorinta pura de a urma Calea Septenara,este poarta ce deschide drumul ce va fi urmat.
Astfel,putem spune ca prima etapa-initierea,este acceptarea fortelor interioare,ascunse in fiecare din noi.
Partea I-Ritualul Initierii
Acest ritual,al Initierii este incurajat sa fie facut in natura,intr-o noapte cu Luna plina,iar daca este posibil,in apropierea unei ape,parau,rau sau lac,la apusul soarelui.
Vei avea nevoie de urmatoarele lucururi:
Ulei de Ambra
Lumanari Negre
Doua Pergamente/Papirusuri
Stilou cu penita
Un cutit ascutit sau un ac de argint
Haine sau robe negre
Pocalul trebuie umplut cu vin rosu.
Incepeti ritualul prin a va imbaia in rau sau lac,iar dupa,ungeti-va pe corp cu uleiul de ambra,in acest timp spuneti ,,Aghios o Satanas’’,apoi,imbracati-va in robele sau hainele negre,indreptati-va spre locul unde ati asezat elementele,pe pamant,aprindeti lumanarile.
Cu fata spre Est,incantati ,,Sanctus Satanas’’:
Sanctus Satanas
Sanctus Satanas,Sanctus
Dominus Diabolus Sabaoth.
Ave Satanas,Ave Satanas.
Tui sunt caeli,
Tua e terra,
Ave Satanas!
Dupa,intepati-va degetul aratator al mainii stangi folosind cutitul sau acul. Cu ajutorul stiloului,folosind sangele,scrieti-va numele ocult pe care vi-l alegeti,pe unul din pergamente (Ritualul este sub forma unei morti initiatice;muriti simbolic,si renasteti apoi sub noul nume ales)
Iar pe celalalt pergament,inscrieti o pentagrama intoarsa.
Indreptand pergamentele spre Est,spuneti: ,,Cu acest sange,imi dedic Templul Vietii”
Intorcandu-va de trei ori in sens anterior,spuneti tare: ,,Eu(numele ocult ales) sunt aici pentru a-mi incepe calatoria! Print al Intunericului,Asculta-mi legamantul! Baphomet,Stapana Pamantului,Asculta-ma! Ascultati-ma Voi,Cei Mareti,Zei Intunecati ce asteptati in Abis!”
Apoi,ardeti pergamentele in focul lumanarilor,in acest timp spuneti: ,,Satan,fie ca puterea Ta sa se amestece cu a mea! Asa cum acest sange se amesteca acum cu focul”
Ridicand pocalul catre Est,spuneti cu tarie: ,, Cu acest toast,imi inchei juramantul! Sunt al Tau si voi face lucruri inspre Gloria numelui Tau si al Haosului “
Goleste pocalul,stinge lumanarile,apoi iesi din Templu(locul unde s-a savarsit ritualul).
Acum,initierea este desavarsita!
Partea II-Lucrand cu Sferele
Urmatoarea zi,ori cat mai curand dupa aceea,incepeti sa lucrati cu sferele.
Pentru asta,aveti nevoie de un pachet de carti de tarot(Tarotul Sinistru este recomandat pentru Calea Septenara),apoi,gasiti un loc,de dorit ca acel spatiu sa fie folosit doar pentru lucrarile de magie,spre exemplu un altar,acoperit cu o panza neagra,pe care sa fie o sfera de cristal,(sau tetraedu),lumanari de diferite culori,pachetul de tarot,etc.
Lucrarile ce implica cele sapte sfere,sunt practic exercitii de meditatie.
Lucrarile incep in ordine,si anume : Luna,Mercur,Venus,Soarele,Marte,Jupiter si Saturn.
Fiecare lucrare,ar trebui sa dureze o ora,si sa inceapa la apusul soarelui,ar trebui sa se lucreze o data pe zi.
Pentru a incepe,luati o pozitie confortabila,apoi vibrati sau cantati cuvantul potrivit pentru meditatie,din tabelul de mai jos:

Apoi,concentrati-va pe sfera.
Pentru cartea 18-Luna,ar trebui sa va vizualizati(imaginati) in desert,mergand pe poteca turnurilor care se prabusesc. Te plimbi printre turnuri,si observi scorpionii ,ce merg pe cartea pe jumatate ingropata. Atunci,s-ar putea sa te decizi sa o ridici si sa o privesti,sa vezi ce contine,ori sa te uiti in turnuri,ce ascund forme si umbre cocosate si intunecate,sau sa continui drumul spre munti. S-ar putea sa faci toate aceste lucruri-alegerea este a ta.
Dupa aceasta,va concentrati pe urmatoarea imagine,pentru stadiul Eului(Pentru Sfera Lunii,cartea este 15-Diavolul) vizualizandu-va ca parte a imaginii.
Apoi,treci la urmatoarea imagine,stadiul Sinelui(Pentru Sfera Lunii,cartea este 13-Moartea),si procedura se repeta.
Fiecare lucrare,este o calatorie spre lumea arhetipală(simbolica) a constiintei superioara si ascunsa ,si ar trebui sa vezi fiecare calatorie ca pe una reala,in spiritul aventurii.
Viseaza-te in lumile descoperite,opreste-te si vorbeste cu fiintele pe care le intalnesti ,descopera unde duce o cale,ce este dincolo de orizont,si asa mai departe!
Trebuie sa faceti un effort constient,pentru a schimba imaginile in succesiunea lor-adica de la Inconstient la Ego si la Sine
Aceasta a fost Prima Etapa,Etapa Initierii,alaturi de Sfera acesteia.
Part I-Initiation Ritual
Initiation is the pure desire to follow the Seventh Way, it is the gate that opens the way that will be followed.
Thus, we can say that the first stage-initiation, is the acceptance of the inner forces, hidden in each of us.
Part I-Initiation Ritual
This ritual of the Initiation is encouraged to be performed in nature, on a full moon night, and if possible, near a water, stream, river or lake, at sunset.
You will need the following:
Amber oil
Black candle
Two Parchments / Papyri
Pen with pen
A sharp knife or a silver needle
Black clothes or robes
The glass should be filled with red wine.
Start the ritual by bathing in the river or lake, and then anoint your body with amber oil, during this time say "Aghios a Satan", then, put on your black robes or clothes, straighten up. towards the place where you placed the elements, on the ground, light the candles.
Facing East, enjoy the "Sanctus Satanas":
Sanctus Satanas
Sanctus Satanas, Sanctus
Dominus Diabolus Sabaoth.
Satan is coming!
Satan is coming!
Ave Satan, Ave Satan.
You are horses,
Your land
Hail Satan!
Then prick your index finger with your left hand using a knife or needle. With the help of the pen, using the blood, write the occult name you choose, on one of the parchments (The ritual is in the form of an initiatory death; you die symbolically, and then you are reborn under the new chosen name)
And on the other parchment, write an inverted pentagram.
Pointing the scrolls to the east, you say, "With this blood, I dedicate my Temple of Life."
Turning three times in the previous direction, say out loud, "I (the chosen occult name) are here to begin my journey!" Prince of Darkness, Listen to my covenant! Baphomet, Mistress of the Earth, Listen to me! Listen to me, You Great Ones, Dark Gods, who are waiting for you in the Abyss! ”
Then burn the parchments in the fire of the candles, at this time say, "Satan, may Your power mingle with mine!" As this blood now mixes with the fire. "
Raising the goblet to the east, say loudly, "With this toast, I end my oath!" I am Yours and I will do things for the Glory of Your name and Chaos "
Empty the cup, extinguish the candles, then leave the Temple (the place where the ritual was performed).
Now the initiation is complete!
Part II-Working with Spheres
The next day, or as soon as possible, start working with the spheres.
For this, you need a pack of tarot cards (Sinister Tarot is recommended for the Septenary Way), then find a place, desirable that space be used only for works of magic, for example an altar, covered with a black cloth, on which there is a crystal sphere, (or tetrahedron), candles of different colors, the tarot pack, etc.
The works that involve the seven spheres are practically meditation exercises.
Work begins in order, namely: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Each work should take an hour, and begin at sunset, should be worked once a day.
To get started, take a comfortable position, then vibrate or sing the right word for meditation from the table below:

Then focus on the sphere.
For the 18-Moon book, you should visualize (imagine) yourself in the desert, walking the path of collapsing towers. You walk through the towers, and notice the scorpions walking on the half-buried book. Then you may decide to pick it up and look at it, see what it contains, or look at the towers, which hide hunchbacked and dark shapes and shadows, or continue on your way to the mountains. You may do all these things - the choice is yours.
After that, focus on the next image, for the stage of the Ego (For the Sphere of the Moon, the book is the 15-Devil) viewing yourself as part of the image.
Then, move on to the next image, the stage of the Self (For the Sphere of the Moon, the book is 13-Death), and the procedure is repeated.
Each work is a journey into the archetypal (symbolic) world of the higher and hidden consciousness, and you should see each journey as a real one, in the spirit of adventure.
Dream in the discovered worlds, stop and talk to the beings you meet, discover where a path leads, what is beyond the horizon, and so on!
You have to make a conscious effort to change the images in their succession — that is, from the Unconscious to the Ego and the Self.
This was the First Stage, the Initiation Stage, along with its Sphere.