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Cine Suntem Noi-Who Are We


Satanismul se imparte in mai multe secte,fiecare fiind diferita.
Cercul nostru adopta principiile satanismului traditional. Este irelevant pentru noi,daca oamenii deschisi pentru ocultism sau ezoterism inteleg ceea ce facem,si motivul. Judecatile si opiniile lor asupra noastra sunt irelevante.
Am ales sa i ajutam cu sfaturi si indicatii pe cei interesati si aflati la inceput de drum. Cei care aleg asta,trebuie sa inteleaga ca fiecare este responsabil de ceea ce face,nimeni nu este egal cu nimeni,ei trebuie sa respinga orice forma de supunere si renuntare la libertate,sa lupte pentru ceea ce isi doresc,dar pot fi deschisi in a asculta cateva sfaturi din partea unei persoane mai experimentate ce a mai trecut prin aceasta cale.
Nu urmam nici o doctrina religioasa si nu credem in doctrina egalitarista,fiecare trebuie sa lupte si sa dea ce e mai bun. Nu condamnam oamenii dupa sex,rasa,orientare sexuala varsta sau etnie,ci dupa ceea ce sunt:puternici sau slabi

Satanism is divided into several sects, each of which is different.
Our circle adopts the principles of traditional Satanism. It is irrelevant to us if people open to occultism or esotericism understand what we are doing, and why. Their judgments and opinions about us are irrelevant.
We have chosen to help those who are interested and at the beginning of the road with advice and indications. Those who choose this must understand that everyone is responsible for what they do, no one is equal to anyone, they must reject any form of submission and renunciation of freedom, to fight for what they want, but they can be open in to listen to some advice from a more experienced person who has gone through this path.
We do not follow any religious doctrine and we do not believe in the egalitarian doctrine, everyone must fight and give the best. We do not condemn people by sex, race, sexual orientation, age or ethnicity, but by what they are: strong or weak.
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@2021-2022 Templul Noptii-Temple Of The Night

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